
You've reached Matthew Wolff's personal web site.

Current Projects

Parked Projects

These are projects that I've invested some time in, but have been left incomplete. I doubt I'll finish them up, but I did learn quite a bit from them.


I am a classical pianist, holding a minor in music from the LSU School of Music in the studio of Professor Greg Sioles. Through Professor Sioles I can trace my piano heritage back to Bartók, Liszt, and Beethoven. I also studied throughout elementary and high school with Ms. Susan Settoon. Some of my performances are posted on my YouTube channel. Below are some links to those instruments.

I have also studied music programming and sound design with Dr. Jesse Allison of LSU's Experimental Music and Digital Media department. I mainly write in pd but I've also used Max. So far I've mainly focused on emulating popular keyboard instruments in software.

Past Projects of Interest


GitHub PGP Public Key Resume